Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hard Work and the Payoff!!

Have you ever been in the situation when you have worked and worked and nothing ever happened?
 Maybe it's your 9-5,and the boss doesn't apprectiate your contributions to the company. Maybe you even work  two jobs. Or maybe it's the everyday routine of motherhood doing laundry, cleaning toilets, wiping noses with little apprectiation from your family. Maybe your a struggling artist just waiting for someone to notice that wonderful creation that you  put your heart and soul into. Maybe your an actress who wants to be noticed for all the hard work and long hours you put in.
 Take heed and be encouraged!! All that time and effort will pay off at some point...if you DON'T GIVE UP!! That is the key to so many things in life isn't it? The trying..the longing...the perseverance.
Sure I will be the first to admit, that life can be discouraging , we can lose the focus, lose the drive, and our work can become meaningless.
 This weeksomething magical happened to me. Three of my cards have been published in "Take Ten" magazine. It is a magazine that caters to card makers. It is chock full of beautiful works made by artisans. It is a top notch magazine in the publishing world. And I am in it!! I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE IT.
 This is the point, keep trying, keep tweeking, keep talking about your product, dream about it, blog about it. And when success knocks at your door, Thank your creator God, BASK IN THE GLORY....then keep working. Someday it will pay off. kathy

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