Sunday, August 8, 2010


Socrates once said "The unexamined life is not worth living." Sounds kind of harsh doesn't it?
 But I think he was trying to make a point. He was explaining that if life is lived in the moment ,from day to day without any forethought or reflection. That is a life that can slowly slip away from you. That's why Santayana said "He who does not remember the past is condemned to repeat it."
 So an unexamined life may not be one worth living in Socrates opinion yet on the other hand one filled with passion for someone or something can aide us in our memory, give us direction in life and help us get a grip on the rote of everyday living.

 What is your most passionate subject or someone?  Do you love your family and want to pour out your life into them? Maybe you love the game of golf, you may love your wood workshop , reading, music or your favorite hobbies.
  Life is incomplete without art and creativity. I believe that God gave us creativity, it started with Him and passes on through us. I'm almost positive that whatever we can think up or create was possible because He gave the ideas and brains for it, He thought it first!!
 I'd love to hear what it is that trips your trigger, pushes your buttons and creates passion in you! And don't tell me that you have no talents or creative side to you. Do you bake bread? Do you cook or garden, do you care for others? Take minute to examine what it is you love to do, I promise it will enhance your life and everyone you touch.
 Remember that ART and creativity come in many forms, can be interpretated in many ways and can enhance our lives like nothing else can. 

1 comment:

  1. I think I need to start getting more creative. Oftentimes I wonder--where to begin? So, having how-to's, like the card in the post above, are a big help!
